Thursday, August 03, 2006

Click Monkeys!

There is a running joke in our office about click monkeys - you must have experienced the same - if you are demoing/driving the keyboard in a conference room, pretty soon everyone turns you into a click monkey! I was reading an article on slashdot about click fraud prevention by Google, Yahoo and Microsoft and saw this site in one of the comments.

Click Monkeys!

This is absolutely hilarious. Check out the giant tanker ship click farm! The site claims that they have a huge ship just off U.S. waters near San Francisco with over - get this - 20,000 click monkeys.

It gets better. Each monkey has 3 computers that cycle thru a bunch of connections thru different ISPs. So the sites see clicks coming from different IPs. If you were to believe the site, its not illegal. Because they are outside the US. How do you use an American ISP and make this legal? The site says the computers will cycle connections thru AOL, Earthlink, PacBell, Verizon and FibbleNet.

Anyway - we had a good laugh. And some of us are applying. Do you have a monkey in you? And can it click??



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