Tuesday, July 04, 2006

New Phrase: "Stopping out of school"

Here is a brand new extension from Mozilla. Only this time, it's an extension to English language and not to that wonderful browser called Firefox. Add this phrase to your phracabulary(thats another word - you read here first): "Stopping out of school".

Blake Ross, the wunderkid behind the popular browser, said in an interview that he is stopping out of school. According to him, it's not 'dropping out of school'. It's called stopping out of school - meaning to work on a startup! I think you need to be strong on XUL to figure out the difference :-)

In this interview, he talks about his startup. To be precise, he doesn't talk about the startup. In the interview he says he can't talk about his startup - especially to a newspaper from Seattle! He is also very honest about IE7. To the shock of Firefox mafia, he has nice things to say about IE7. And get this: he wants to end up in film business. Blake Ross - the man behind Firefox browser - wants to write fiction and make that into a movie. Coming to theaters near you - Tabs wielding browser extensions attacking Darth IE. Do you want Google Office with that?

*** Whatd'ya know? The man himself has left a comment here. I'm honored(Assuming it is Blake Ross himself)

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

"Stopping out" is actually the official term used by Stanford :)



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